
About Us

Our Story

  • About 1 billion people around the globe go to bed hungry every day.
  • The human population is estimated to reach  8.6 billion by 2030; 9.8 billion by 2050.
  • One third of the world’s arable land is affected by degradation annually.

With 33% of the world’s arable land affected by moderate to severe degradation annually due to human exploitative activities, its utility, biodiversity, soil fertility, and overall health continues declining for as long as no remedial actions are applied.

Land degradation also disrupts rainfall patterns, exacerbates extreme weather like droughts or floods, and drives further climate change, resulting in social and political instability, which drives poverty, conflict, and migration.

​Additionally, smallholder farmers are responsible for the production of more than 70 percent of the global food supply, yet they are especially vulnerable to food insecurity. Poverty and hunger are most acute among rural populations. This situation is exacerbated by land degradation, and the use of chemical fertilizers alone is not making matters any better. In fact, according to UNCCD, our current agricultural practices are causing soils worldwide to be eroded up to 100 times faster than natural processes replenishing them.

Increasing human population, dwindling land productivity and the changing climate patterns are enough justification for a change in the approach we partake in agricultural activities, and the new norm must be a regenerative form of production that is not only sustainable but also beneficial in the form of promoting the resilience to the smallholder farmer who bears the biggest burden of feeding the world.

Our Core Values

Environmental Consciousness & Sustainability

We are conscious of our actions’ and/or inactions’ direct or indirect effects to the environment and commit to pursuing directions that alleviate or cause minimal negative impact. Humans and nature must be able to safely co-exist indefinitely. Our economic activities shall always advocate for, and select the path that ensures that human society thrives alongside nature so that future generations may also benefit from the resources that nature accords us today.

Integrity and Justice

Strong morals are the backbone of a thriving society. We are intentionally honest and just in all our social and economic activities, not just to gain social good but also to achieve environmental integrity in a sustainable manner.

Social Good

Our activities must always target improvement of the society at individual and community levels, irrespective of age, race, religion, culture, locality, or any other alienative basis. We believe that the human race must have common goals that promote good health, social security, and economic empowerment for all.


World challenges are bigger than one individual, institution or country. When we pool resources, we create more, better, and in the long run, faster. That is why collaboration is one of our biggest values. We aspire to teach and learn within new and old networks in order to create bigger impact.

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