What we do
Our mission is to build smallholder farmers’ resilience to climate change through the promotion of regenerative agricultural practices.
Our vision is to create a world where smallholder farmers are empowered to thrive in the face of climate change. We strive to promote sustainable regenerative agricultural practices that enable farmers to produce healthy crops, increase their income, and protect the environment. Our goal is to build a resilient food system that supports the well-being of farmers, communities, and the planet for generations to come.

The Problems
Our efforts are directed towards four challenges:
- Poor soil health (high acidity and low humus) due to degradation by farm related activities, affecting productivity.
- Unaffordable farm inputs to smallholder farmers.
- Increasing competition for limited food resources between humans and other domesticated animals.
- Inefficient organic waste management at farm and market levels
The Solution
a. Bioconversion Initiative: Sustainable Waste Management and Soil Regeneration
Gare Holdings Limited’s bioconversion initiative leverages the natural processes of insects and worms, particularly Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and red worms, to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich Mzuri Organics biofertilizers. This process not only tackles poor agricultural waste management but also regenerates soil by reintroducing vital nutrients. The frass and vermicompost produced in this process has demonstrated significant improvements in soil health and crop productivity. An additional high value product also produced from the system is insect protein used in making animal feed.
b. PREFarm Initiative: Precision Dosing for Enhanced Productivity
The PREFarm initiative is designed to optimize fertilizer use through data-based precision dosing. This technology ensures that crops receive the exact nutrients they need, avoiding the pitfalls of over-fertilization, which degrades soil and increases environmental pollution. PREFarm empowers farmers with real-time data to make informed decisions, thereby reducing input costs and maximizing yields.

Organic Biofertilizers
We produce liquid and solid organic fertilizers and biofertilizers. These are superior, 100% Organic end products of the upcycling process, rich in plant and animal-based macro and micro nutrients including Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron and Manganese. They also contain living microbes that enhance plant nutrition by either mobilizing or increasing nutrient availability in soils.
Insect-based protein animal feeds
We produce insect-based protein from the harvesting of Black soldier fly larvae. These contain up to 50% protein, and 35% fat as well as amino acid profile comparable to that pf fish meal. It is an excellent source of nutrients for Chicken, Fish, Pigs and, pet food, with benefits like ease of digestibility, boosting immunity and, promoting fast growth in animals.

Regen-Kilimo Initiative
- Farmer training and adapting insect farming, vermicomposting and organic farming/regenerative agriculture and crop diversification.
- Off-taking/Marketing of farmer produce.
- Agricultural extension services.
- Increased land productivity as a result of farmland regeneration from the re-introduction of beneficial macro and micro-organisms and humus into the soil ecosystem and the reduction in the use of harsh chemical fertilizers
- Improved standard of living among smallholder farmers due to lower farming costs and better and diversified yields (crops)/productivity (livestock). Additionally, jobs and supply opportunities created at the production facility provide locals with a steady, modest income.
- Clean environment and lower GHG emissions with the adoption of a more efficient organic waste management practice.
- More than 5 tons of organic waste processed every month (full capacity).
- 1000 litres of liquid fertilizer produced every week (current capacity).
- 1.5 tons of solid fertilizer produced every month (current capacity).
- More trained farmers started BSF and worm farming.
- Farmland regeneration in progress as more farmers adopt products and practices
- Less dependence on expensive non-regenerative chemical fertilizers
- Up to 60% savings on costs of farm inputs including fertilizers and feeds.
- Increase in quantity and quality of farm yields.
- Changes in livestock mortality/growth period/production (e.g. eggs).
SDG Alignment

SDG1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Our innovative solution helps build the resilience of the vulnerable smallholder farmers and reduces their exposure and vulnerability to socio-economic and environmental shocks through soil regeneration, reduction in food production costs and high agricultural productivity that ensures food safety and modest returns from surplus production.

SDG2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
The innovation produces sustainable food production systems through employing sustainable agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, help maintain ecosystems, strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding, and other disasters, and progressively improve land and soil quality.
We are also contributing to Increased investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, and technology development, through the involvement of different partners from across the globe in funding and capacity-building angles

SDG5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

SDG8 - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

SDG9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

SDG11 - Sustainable cities and communities.
By utilization of and the effective management of organic waste from cities and communities, the innovation contributes immensely to reducing the adverse per capita environmental impact.

SDG12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
The circular nature of the innovation ensures effective management of organic wastes throughout their life cycle, and significantly reduces the release of various components of these wastes into the air, water and soil. This minimizes their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
The community outreach program, Regen_Kilimo, also plays a key role of not only information-sharing, but also training and capacity building on sustainable development and lifestyles that promote harmonious co-existence between humans and nature.

SDG13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

SDG14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable Development
In our efforts to discourage the overuse of chemical fertilizers that mostly leach into rivers and end up in oceans; and instead encourage the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices, we contribute to the prevention and reduction of marine pollution in particular from land-based agricultural activities.

SDG15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss